Tips for school! ft.Pinterst
Hey everyone! So today's post I'm going to be showing you some tips for school that I found from pinterest! 1. If you have a test NEVER study the day before! Trust me! First if you gonna study the day before you are going to get really stressed so don't study the day before :) 2. If you are studying and you don't remember anything use blue pen! Your brain is going to remember more easily if you write down with blue pen! 3. I reccomend you to use apps in your phone/tablet etc. with dates so you can organise your days! Example: Monday 13 March term test in History! 4. If you don't get an A in a test don't worry! It doesn't mean that you are gonna get an C in your overal! 5. Hear me out! Use the pomodoro technique! If you want p.2 let me know in the comments! ;)